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Path to the Real Self: 2014-16 Study Guides

2014-16 Monthly Newsletters and Study Guides

Featuring The Path to the Real Self by Eva Pierrakos
and related Pathwork lectures

Each month, a study guide for a Pathwork Lecture or concept is prepared that includes worksheets, charts, and additional Pathwork resources. There is no charge to download.

Study guides are divided into 4 weekly self-study portions, emphasizing different aspects of the main concept.

Monthly newsletters include highlights from each of the 4 weekly portions, along with links to articles and videos to illustrate the concepts. Weekly Self-Study notices include 1 of the 4 study guide sections, plus access codes for free online meetings.

Click on the Contact Us tab to sign up.

Jan creates a 5-10 minute video presentation at the end of each month, based upon discussions and questions from the online meetings.

YouTube Playlist for 2016

Sample of 2016 materials:

June Newsletter PL71 Part 1-

- Study Guide:Reality and Illusion Part 1-

- YouTube Video Presentation 18 mins (or click below)

Above: clip from Reality and Illusion PRS 25 & PL 71

The Path to the Real Self (PRS)

Chapters from Eva Pierrakos' book The Path to the Real Self (PRS) were featured during 2015 along with supporting lectures, additional materials, and links to online short films and clips that illustrate Pathwork Principles.

The PRS was written in 1965 and gives a holistic perspective of key concepts from the first 140 lectures. Eva's 5-year preparation for becoming the medium for the anonymous entity known as the Guide is described in her Preface. Download in .pdf format here: Preface to The Path to the Real Self

January 2014 Newsletter

Preface to The Path to the Real Self

February 2014Newsletter PRS2 PL 43

Study Guide: The Structure of the Human Personality

See PL 43 for video link and additional materials, and explore: what traits, phrases, attitudes and aspirations you identify with; Notice any variations that occur in different social or professional situations. Then explore What are/were your family dynamics?

March 2014 Newsletter PRS4 PL 25

Study Guide: Initial Steps for Self-Search

Interactive exercise: see POV drawings from Participants!

Also VERY short film suggestions!

See PL 25 for video link and additional materials, and explore: The Value of a Self-Inventory; Very Short Films to illustrate some of the concepts; Finding Your Faults PL26; An alternate approach: Life as a Card Game; Life as a Point of View: an arts & crafts project; and Making a commitment to your spiritual journey: Stage One from AD6

January 2015 Newsletter PRS5 PL 80

Study Guide:  Chapter 5 of the PRS

Full Text:  Constructive Attitudes in Self-Confrontation

2008 Presentation on PRS 5 Audio only:    Part 1 57 mins    Part 2 57 min

See PL 80 for description and additional materials, and explore: : Daily Review; Co-operation, Communication, Union; Recognizing inner Resistance; Collusion; Constructive Steps; Managing Difficult Conversations . Also see AD6 under 'Additional Concepts' tab

April 2014 Newsletter PRS7 PL 149

Study Guide:Cosmic Principles Manifest in Soul Currents

     See PL 149 for additional materials, and exlore: The principles of reason, will and emotion; Expanding, restricting, static principles; Films that illustrate cosmic principles; and Human faults of pride, self-will, and fear Ref PL 30.

     What is your image of who you are -- or who you aspire to be?

                Download IMAGE TEALIGHTS and select a light....

February 2015 Newsletter PRS8 / PL124

Study Guide The Language of the Unconscious

     See PL 124 for additional materials, and explore: How the Unconscious Speaks;  Cosmic Laws: Yes and No Currents;  Tools and Techniques: The Power of the Word, Written Meditation; and Activating your Yes by uncovering the No currents (ref: PL 125).

March 2015 Newsletter PRS9 / PL97

Study Guide Perfectionism

     See PL 97 for additional materials, and explore: How Perfectionism originates; Manipulation of feelings -> Pseudosolutions; No Current -> Yes Current = JOY; and Finding a dynamic balance 

May 2014 Newsletter PRS10 / PL118

Study Guide: Parents and Images PRS 10 PL118

     See PL 118 for video link and additional materials.

May 2015 Newsletter PRS11 PL 57

Study Guide  Mass Images

     See PL 58 for additional materials

June 2015 Newsletter PRS14 / PL84

Study Guide Love, Power and Serenity as Divine Attributes and as Distortions

Scenes from a film as illustration of the concepts: 11 minute collage 

     See PL 84 for video and audio links plus additional materials; explore charts and worksheets on Personality Types and their Qualities, positive and negative, as Constructive or Destructive

June 2014  Newsletter PRS15 / PL 92

Study Guide: Real and False Conscience, Real and False Guilt

   See PL 92 for additional materials, and explore: Repressed needs and their relationship to Man’s State of Consciousness; Real and False Needs;  Repression, Manipulation, Displacement, Substitution; and Sublimation 

August 2015 Newsletter PRS17 / PL 44

Study Guide  Forces of Love, Eros and Sex

     See PL 44 for video and audio links plus additional materials, and explore: Love, Sex and Eros as A Holy Triad;  Eros as a Soul Movemen; Integrating Love and Sexuality; and Finding Your Unique Balance 

July 2015 Newsletter PRS18 / PL240

Study Guide  Some Aspects of Love 

     See PL 240 for additional materials, and explore: The Essence of Love: Self Love;  Fear of Loving and The Valid Desire to be Loved; The Roles of Reason, Will, and Emotion in Loving; and Love in Relationship

July 2014 Newsletter PRS19 /  PL 101

Study Guide: The Defense

     See PL 101 for audio presentation and additional materials, and explore: the physical, emotional, and spiritual price of our addiction to defense; What being in defense looks and feels like; What do you fear will happen if your defense is found to be false? and Living in a unitive state on a dualistic plane

August 2014 Newsletter PRS20 / PL60

Study Guide: The Abyss of Illusion

     See PL 60 for additional materials, and explore: Fear’s power = the illusion of danger; The abyss of illusion; Freedom without responsibility; the illusion of the child; Utopia; the illusion of compromise between infant and adult; and The soul’s search for true spiritual freedom, spiritual justice and the power of grace 

September 2014 Newsletter PRS21 / PL50

Study Guide: Benign and Vicious Circles

Part 2: The Spiral of Spiritual Development by Dottie Titus

     See PL 50 for additional materials, and explore: Factors that fuel a Vicious Circle; Emotional Dependency; How a Benign Circle differs; and the elements of a Breaking Point, from The Abyss of Illusion PL 60

October 2014 Newsletter PRS23 /  PL192

Study Guide: Repressed Needs, Real and False Needs

     See PL 192 for additional materials, and explore: Repressed needs and their relationship to Man’s State of Consciousness; Real and False Needs; Repression, Manipulation, Displacement, Substitution; and Sublimation.

September 2015 Newsletter PRS24 / PL189

Study Guide  Identification With Self

   See PL 192 for additional materials, and explore: Accepting the Self – As Is; Identifying with the Real Self; The Spiritual Cause of Pain; Three Spheres of Consciousness; and Group Dynamics.

November 2014 Newsletter PRS25 PL 81/159 

Study Guide: Duality Through Illusion

     See PL 159 for additional materials

April 2015 Newsletter PRS27 / PL98

Study Guide Dreams and Day Dreams

   See PL 98 for additional materials, and explore: Eva’s teachings on Dreams EP1; Day Dreams PRS27; Spiritual Purpose of Sleep / Spiritual Paradoxes Translating Spiritual Messages to the Material World; and How Wishful Day Dreams fit into these concepts.

December 2014 Newsletter PRS28 / PL112

Study Guide: Man's Relationship to Time
     See PL 112 for additional materials, and explore: Breaking the ‘time barrier’;  Unutilized time => negative emotions vs. living in the ‘now’; Using the future to escape the present; and Living in the Now 

Please consider making a donation: Click for PayPal link

All of the self-study materials, audio files, and movie segments on this site are provided at no charge and may be copied or distributed freely.  If you find them useful, please consider making a donation towards website and teleconference expenses.  Click on the PayPal link (above) to start; you will be guided through the process on a secure site. 

Any amount is appreciated!

Jan's Garden in Nambucca Heads, Australia 
Jan's Garden NSW Australia