Additional Free Resources
that may support your spiritual journey.
• Pathwork Foundation - download the lectures
and find communities in your area
• Audio versions of the lectures
• Indexes and Online search tools for your own research
• Inspirational Pathwork Lecture quotes via weekly emails
• Film Suggestions that illustrate Pathwork Concepts
International Pathwork Foundation
1996 Edited Versions of all 258 Pathwork Lectures
may be downloaded at no charge from
Unedited Lectures are available with membership
(annual fee required)
Monthly newsletters
IPF Newsletter Archive (free subscription)
Find websites, study materials, and online classes at
Free Resources page at www.pathwork.org
Links to communities and Helpers in your area
And for a Modest Fee...
Become a Pathwork Foundation member!
Members have access to Pathwork members resources that includes all the unedited lectures (earliest printed versions digitized in 2002), Q&As, additional materials, The Path to the Real Self (PRS) manuscript by Eva Pierrakos, plus worksheets from the Pathwork Teachers Helper Database.
Lectures available to the public are the 1996 edited versions.
Your membership fee supports the website that gifts the lectures to the world!
Listen to the Lectures
Gary Volbracht recorded all 258 Pathwork Lectures.
Audio available on iTunes at no charge
Direct download link:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pathwork-lectures-by-eva- pierrakos/id819545226?mt=2
Also available on Gary's website:
Online Book Lending Services
Books may be downloaded or borrowed (similar to library lending services) here, including all of the Pathwork books plus authors mentioned below. Also contains links to Gary Vohlbacht's recordings.
Google Search Tip
Want to research favorite topics or interests?
Copy and paste the following sentence into the search box:
"your phrase" site:pathwork.org/
Replace the words "your phrase" with the word or phrase
you are searching for (remember to keep the quotes)
You may also search all the materials on this website:
"PL number, title, or concept" site:janrigsby.org
Google will return a link to every lecture or document
your word or phrase appears in.
Search the Lectures by phrase or word!
Index to the Q&A Sessions:
Pathwork Helper Jill Loree has indexed the Question and Answer sections of the lectures, in addition to Q&A sessions with the Guide that were numbered (i.e., PL 54) or catalogued as a continuation of a numbered lecture (ie. PL 220QA)
Original Index of the Lectures by Topic:
Google word searches often return too many results to be useful. This index, originally created by Michael Bratnick, is a gift to the English-speaking Pathwork community from the Dutch Pathwork.
Free Weekly Lecture Quotes
She also serves several hundred English speakers via weekly emails.
You may sign up for these weekly gems
by emailing Saskia directly at s.hontele@freeler.nl.
She would be delighted to support your interest.
One brief email per week will be sent.
Closely Related Studies
Many other modalities integrate Pathwork lectures into their curriculum;
these 3 were supported by Eva and integrated into many Pathwork Transformation Programs.
Core Energetics
Bioengetics is a way of integrating feelings, mind, and body. It was developed by John Pierrakos and Alexander Lowen. based upon Wilhelm Reich's theories of body psychotherapy and orgone energy. In 1967. John married Eva Brauch and integrated Pathwork concepts into his work, which became Core Energetics. This is the 'body work' that was part of the curriculum of the original Pathwork community led by Eva Pierrakos. After Eva passed in 1979, John continued this work as a separate modality. John passed in 2001. Core Energetics is taught around the world.
Barbara Brennan School of Healing(BBSH)
Barbara Ann Brennan was a NASA physicist, a Pathwork Helper, and a Core Energetics Therapist before developing her unique gifts as a spiritual healer and teacher, enthusiastically supported by John Pierrakos. BBSH courses integrate many Pathwork concepts, are avilable worldwide. They offer online courses. Barbara passed in 2022.
Barbara's 1st book Hands of Light is available as a free download
Includes original illustrations and describes Core characterology theory
Various ebook formats available from Archive.org and as a .pdf from Vdoc.pub
Pat Rodegast was a Pathwork helper who channeled the being Emmanuel. There are 3 books; Emmanuel Book I, Book II, and Book III. There is a one hour introductory video on YouTube, other video and audio recordings are available on various platforms. Pat passed in 2012.
Film Suggestions
Explore your understanding of the concepts!
Some films seem to be universally accepted for their vision, integrity, and message. Groundhog Day (1993), Defending Your Life (1991) and the original Matrix (2000) each illustrate profound abstract truths while entertaining us.
For those who have seen 'The Karate Kid', the phrase 'wax on, wax off' instantly communicates profound truths about the wisdom of gaining skills incrementally, a form of 'one step at a time', before learning to integrate them into a whole new stage of self-development.
Often a particular concept is best illustrated through one or two scenes or even a well done trailer. When these are available on YouTube, I include that link. Consider how you might visualize spiritual principles!
Please note: YouTube links frequently change.
If the supplied link doesn't work, use the search function to find it's new location!
Pathwork Concepts - Film Suggestions 2017
Suggestions for specific topics are in the study guides for:
Cosmic Principles PRS 7
Self-Search PRS4 PL26
Self-Confidence: Its True Origin and What Prohibits It PL 77
Child Consciousness and Adult Ego PL 182
Human perception and perspective PL 249 PL 171
Three Basic Personality Types: Reason, Will and Emotion PL 43
Unity and Duality PL 143
Incarnatory Processes & Life Tasks PL 126
All material on this website is offered free of charge.
A Journey
of the Soul
An Overview of the Pathwork Process
• Deep spiritual transformation enlivens all aspects of our being…the body, mind, emotions, determination and spirit!
• Working through emotional, mental and will levels, we courageously meet the Personality and Ego, who we believe we are.
• Limited perspectives open toward a vast landscape of what is possible for each one of us as our capacity to transform (rather than abandon) the
• "Journey of the Soul" describes the Pathwork perspective about our tasks on the human plane: to navigate various levels of Individual Consciousness (Child Self and Personality) and Expanded or Universal Consciousness (the Adult Self and the Transpersonal) on our way to remembering who we are in our Real Selves.