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About Jan

Early on, Jan decided that having lots of careers would be more fun than just one (or even two)...  (skip the personal details -- just read about her work with others in these statements from meeting participants.

Jan Rigsby 2019
Jan Rigsby 2019

She carried her experience as a homemaker into becoming a systems analyst, founding her own manufacturing company in 1988. Soon afterwards she came into consciousness around her spiritual journey, completed her B.S. in Psychology and trained in massage therapy, Cranial Sacral, Polarity, Core Energetics©, Somatic Experiencing©, Past Life Awareness and Akashic records ­­ while also earning her commercial pilot’s license and completing 8 years of Pathwork studies and training to become a Pathwork Helper. She is a voracious collector of films from all genres and uses them to illustrate and explore Pathwork concepts.

“It took a long time for me to profoundly understand that spirit can’t be known like science, physics or math. It took even longer to accept that I didn’t need to control life, only to navigate it. We don’t follow the Plan of Salvation: we ARE the Plan."

That's her paraphrasing of Pathwork Lecture 159: "The conscious mind you express in your daily living is separated from the vast whole, the universal mind, only by an illusory belief that you are separate. You do not possess an aspect of this universal mind, 

you are not even a separated part of it. You are it."

Jan Rigsby 2007
Jan Rigsby 2009

Jan served for several years as Administrator of the Pathwork of California (POC) and Pathwork Press before moving to Australia in 2000 to design and facilitate Pathwork Transformation Programs in Melbourne and Perth. She continues to support clients in Australia.

She served as chairman of PHANA, the Pathwork Helpers Association of North America and assisted the Helpers Advisory Group in reviewing Helpership training programs in the US and Canada. She returned to the US in 2007 to live in Austin, Texas for several years.

Under the leadership of David Schwerin of the Philadelphia Pathwork, she lectured at 14 universities in China in 2009, co-­facilitated seminars for visiting Chinese social workers and scholars, and has written articles about Pathwork concepts for psychology­-oriented academic journals in China.

Chinati Exhibit, Marfa Texas 2007
Chinati Exhibit, Marfa Texas 2007

Jan moved to Brooklyn, NY in 2010 to help care for her granddaughter. She has served on the board of directors of the New York Region Pathwork (NYRP) and hosted Friday Night Lecture Presentations in Manhattan.

"The point of studying Pathwork is to help us become better human beings, which will then accelerate the task we came here to accomplish. While the Guide says you can't do this work alone, I interpret that as an invitation to recognize that I am never alone. Family friends, social groups, and work contacts all contribute to my self­-development."

Harrier Hawk Sculpture at Nambucca Heads NSW
Bird Sanctuary NSW AU 2004

Jan hosts free weekly teleconferences which are open to anyone on her contact list (see Pathwork Steps tab for more information, or sign up for monthly newsletters by signing up via MailChimp on the Contact Us tab). Weekly study guides support the weekly teleconference topics and also personal self-­study.

There is no obligation: ­ monthly newsletters are sent to everyone, weekly to those who sign up for the additional option. Your information is not shared with any individual, group, or organization.

 The Pathwork lectures offer tools, techniques, and concepts to support us during the most painful phase of spiritual evolution ­­ awareness ­­ by explaining the incongruities and paradoxes between the unitive and the earth plane. Understanding allows us to connect to inner knowing and our Real Self, our divine natural beingness.

"Pathwork helps me understand why an uncomfortable or unpleasant situation is an opportunity: it can only expose negativity if it is already present within me. I may wish I didn't have to do any work; I may be disappointed that I am not 'better than that'. I may go into defense when seeing a reality I don't like. Yet at the very moment I allow myself to become aware of my own inner negativity, I simultaneously unleash my divine positive intentionality to addresss it ­ ­organically, at a pace of my own choosing"  

Jan offers individual sessions via video-teleconferencing, as well as in-person sessions at her home in Brooklyn, NY.

"Harrier Hawk" Trevor Askin 2004 bronze sculpture

 Study Guides, audio and video files of online presentations 

may be downloaded at no charge from this website. 

Videos of 2008-2010 presentations are available on YouTube.

Read Testimonials about Jan's work

5758 Pathwork Yom Kippur Booklet created in 1997 for Pathwork of California PTP weekend