Additional Pathwork Concepts
Above: clip from Jan Rigsby's presentation on The Observer Self
The Observer Self
Chapter 3 of The Undefended Self (US3) by Susan Thesenga.
The goal in developing an inner Observer Self is to awaken the inner teacher/healer who is ever-present and ready to guide us, using the tools of objectivity and detachment with love and compassion.
The ability to observe ourselves objectively and compassionately is the single most important skill to develop in walking the spiritual path. Distortion, false beliefs and negativity result in pain and disharmony.
If we blame ourselves, fear that we are inadequate, or label our imperfections as bad or evil we can lose the best witness we have -- our own inner knowing.
Feedback from others may contain distortions or feel threatening, causing us to hide behind our defenses instead of opening to the grain of truth in every human interaction. How can we discern the energy of the Observer Self as distinct from the Ego or other inner voices?

Presentation on YouTube 1 hr 4 mins
Chapter 3 from The Undefended Self
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AD6 as part of PRS 5 / Path to the Real Self Chapter 5: Constructive Attitudes in Confrontation
Exploration of Chapter 5: Constructive Attitudes in Self-Confrontation from Eva's book The Path to the Real Self, and the Stage 2 Commitment Questions from Add'l Materials 6.
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AD16 Message to My Pathfriends from Eva April 1977
During the summer break in 1976, Eva’s back was injured in a skiing accident. Cancer developed; she underwent surgery and extensive medical treatments. This study guide features the message she sent to the Pathwork community 8 months later, while she was still recuperating. It would be another 6 months before she would resume the monthly transmissions of lectures. AD16 is the only document in the Pathwork library where Eva shares her personal process on how she addresses a serious life issue.
"For a long time I wanted to share the experience and the meaning of my illness with all my path friends. As you surely know, this is not an easy thing to do. It is hard to condense and put into words the depth of spiritual experiences and meanings that take often a long time to develop and become clear. So my account must, perforce, be limited -- and you need your own "feeling-in-process" to share with me, to make the sharing that I attempt a mutual enterprise." AD16
November 2024 Newsletter: Text from Week 1 of AD16
Study Guide: Message to My Pathfriends from Eva
Best available .pdf of the full text of AD 16
In the study guide, I encourage readers to explore their own process work: Facing our Fears 19mins; The Spiritual Process 11mins; Daily Tasks - External and Internal 16mins; and Giving Appreciation and Thanks to Supporters 2mins.
PC08 / Pathworkers Contribution 8: Cosmology of the Path
PL 18-22 are known as the 'creation' lectures. This summary was complied by Monica Rice Wendling: Cosmology of the Path PC08 See Cosmology of the Path PL 216 (PL 200-258 page, under the 'more' tab above) for further exploration, including an 90 minute audio presentation.
PC10: The Spiritual Principles with which We Manage Ourselves to Create Heave on Earth
The Pathwork purification process is the way we stay true to spiritual principles. From PL 171: Spiritual Law, like forces of nature (such as gravity), is impersonal, constant, and perfect - concepts that we do not associate with human relationships and life circumstances. We experience authority and justice through the lens of Human Law, which is seldom free of agenda, ideology, and distortion. This can encourage attitudes of rebellion and resentment, along with a fear of being judged. Also see The Pain of Injustice PL 249.
Spiritual Principles PC 10 Original 1978 Document 8 pages
Spiritual Principles PC10 Single Page Summary
Spiritual Laws mentioned in the PLs 9 pages / Anonymous
EP1: Pointers on Dream Interpretation by Eva Pierrakos
A worksheet by Eva based on her extensive trainings. Also see Wishful Daydreams PL 98 and The Path of the Real Self (PRS) Chapter 27: Dreams and Day Dreams on this website.
Pointers on Dream Interpretation by Eva Pierrakos
The fear of criticism is an illusion you can only dispel when you expose yourself to it again and again deliberately—in your groups, for example. There is no other way to come out of anything unless you go into it. I have said that many times—that you open yourself up to the pain; that you experience the pain; that you then question yourself, “I want to be mainly committed to the truth. If what I hear has a GRAIN OF TRUTH, I want to see it. And if it is not true, I will feel that pain of the unjust criticism.” Psychic Nuclear Points PL 214
Teleconference Topic: Five Soul Movements - A Compilation
A discussion about Thoughts, Feelings, Eros, Dreams and Imagination. Such personal, subjective experiences may carry spiritual messages. By developing self-analysis skills, we can learn to trust our Inner Authority rather than being dependent upon Outer Authority.
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Teleconference Topic: Helping Ourselves - A Compilation
Unconscious attitudes and patterns of behavior can control our lives unless we take charge by developing awareness and understanding of our emotional dynamics.
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Journey of the Soul
An Overview of the Pathwork Process
• Deep spiritual transformation enlivens all aspects of our being…the body, mind, emotions, determination and spirit!
• Working through emotional, mental and will levels, we courageously meet the Personality and Ego, who we believe we are.
• Limited perspectives open toward a vast landscape of what is possible for each one of us as our capacity to transform (rather than abandon) the
• "Journey of the Soul" describes the Pathwork perspective about our tasks on the human plane: to navigate various levels of Individual Consciousness (Child Self and Personality) and Expanded or Universal Consciousness (the Adult Self and the Transpersonal) on our way to remembering who we are in our Real Selves.